Synergy Partners and Capital



As you know, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) as well as numerous other federal laws & regulations prohibit discrimination in any aspect of a credit transaction. It applies to any extension of credit (from commercial loans to home mortgages), including extensions of credit to small businesses, corporations, partnerships, and trusts. Though fair lending laws are not new, you and your bank officers and internal auditors will benefit from our comprehensive and effective fair lending assessment review services. Specifically, our analysts perform a comprehensive review of :

  • Types of credit product offered
  • Credit terms offered 
  • Credit markets served (consumer, commercial, and residential).
  • Special programs for underserved populations.
  • Demographic information regarding the institution’s credit markets.
  • Decision-making processes regarding credit.
  • Loan officer or broker compensation.
  • Loan product documentation.
  • Availability and ease of assembling relevant documentation

Pre-Funding Mortgage Loan Reviews

Our Pre-Funding Review Quality Initiative was developed to encourage complete and accurate loan data, eliminate the delivery of ineligible loans, and reduce repurchase risk and pricing errors. By combining appropriate and proven sampling methodologies to select your files to review, we perform a comprehensive review of every aspect of the loan file prior to closing. With less than 24 hour turnaround times, we can provide you with a high level of confidence that our Quality Initiative has been met !

To learn more about our Services - "MORTGAGE LOAN QUALITY CONTROL", please CONTACT US to discuss your particular situation on a strictly confidential basis.

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